The British heat pump market will be the main direction of future heat pump companies

Views : 405
Update time : 2021-12-08 17:59:57
Recently, the British government released the "2050 Net Zero Strategy", which supports the transition of British businesses and consumers to clean energy and green technologies, reduces dependence on fossil fuels, encourages investment in sustainable clean energy, reduces the risk of price fluctuations, and enhances energy security . The core of the strategy is to strive to achieve the decarbonization of residential, industrial and commercial and public sector buildings, and believe that the extensive use of heat pumps is the best way to decarbonize building heating.

At the same time, the strategy also includes that by 2035, no new gas boilers will be sold. At present, about 85% of British households use gas boilers for heating. These boilers are seriously polluting and are the main source of high emissions in the construction industry. At the same time, development The heat pump market will reach an annual installation volume of 600,000 units after 2030. Reduce heat pump installation and operating costs, reduce costs by 25-50% by at least 2025, and reach the level of gas boilers by 2030 at the latest. Provide heating system manufacturers with a capital grant of £5,000 and new market-based incentives, while investing £60 million in heat pump innovation to make them more beautiful, smaller and easier to install; starting in 2024, in non-residential The use of low-carbon alternative energy sources in buildings, and plans to invest 3.9 billion pounds for heating and building decarbonization; start the hydrogen village experiment; rebalance policy costs, etc. It is predicted that by 2035, about 13 million households in the UK will reach low-carbon heating, including 7 million households using heat pumps, 4 million households using hydrogen and approximately 2 million households using heat networks.

It is understood that the air-energy heat pump uses the energy in the air to generate heat. It does not produce open flames or emit exhaust gas when heating, reducing the emission of atmospheric pollutants and helping to protect the atmospheric environment. In the field of renewable energy, heat pumps are an effective way to use low-grade renewable energy for clean heating. It saves about 70% of energy compared with direct electric heating. It is flexible and efficient, synergizes with the grid, absorbs green electricity, and can realize energy space-time conversion, etc. Advantages, so heat pumps are the best way to replace combustion heating and realize the conversion of electricity to heat, and it is also an important supporting technology for achieving carbon neutrality.

In response to global warming, countries have made corresponding carbon neutral commitments, and introduced policies and measures related to the "dual carbon" goal from many aspects, and actively promote the use of renewable energy such as heat pumps, especially Energy-saving, environmentally friendly and safe heat pump products are highly regarded in the decarbonization of building heating. It is foreseeable that under the background of global concern about carbon emissions, there is still a lot of room for development in the heat pump market.