Tongyi heating machine is the best choice to help you resist the cold!

Views : 442
Author : Silence
Update time : 2021-10-27 18:24:43
Time flies, half of year has passed! It is reported that the temperature will lower than previous year, have you prepared to resist the cold?
Many people know that air source heat pumps can be used for heating. It is very comfortable to use air source heat pumps for heating in winter. However, some people may not be very familiar with its other functions. 

The working principle of air source heat pump heating is that the air osurce heat pump heating unit uses a small amount of electricity to dirve the compressor to work , suck in the low-temperature heat in the air, heat exchange through the condenser or evaporator, heat the cold water , and then pass through the circulation system, transfer hot water to the building, and finally through the heating terminal(floor heating, fan coil, etc.) to meet the heating needs of users.

If you haven't find some ideas to protect against the cold, so Tongyi heating machine is the best choice to help you resist the cold!